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tv   [untitled]    January 16, 2013 3:00am-3:30am EST

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u.n. inspectors are into wrongful fresh round of nuclear talks with the radios hope. sanctions always atomic program are increasingly hashing the people but failing to turn the making the regime. is sound blunders into turmoil as an arrest warrant for the country's prime minister sparks is speculation of a crew and a conspiracy i made mosque brush as demanding the whole government steps down. also this hour france is looking to boost the number of his troops fighting in mali i mean reports many of the insurgents they're up against they have been trained by u.s. counterterrorism agents. measures which only bring misery big
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greek opposition remains untouched by german austerity pressure after a failed attempts to bring bridges between the. news from russia and around the world this isn't she was me you know hello and welcome to the bar round the atomic agency experts are back in iran for the second time in a little more than a month with tehran hopeful for clear progress this time iran how us trust a deal is only possible if it's a right to peaceful nuclear energy is respected retracing its not seeking atomic weapons which is feared by the west and along with its mutual distrust hampers a solution the more sanctions are piled on the country but as maria for a notion of found they often only how the opposite effect to what was intended. the
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u.s. maybe serious sanctions against iran are not targeted at the general public but there was barely a single person from the population of around seventy five million who hasn't been to. i used to buy tomatoes and boxes then and kilos now they're selling them in pieces. as. iran's oil expertise fell by one million barrels a day in the last year following an international embargo has taken sixty percent of the oil revenue the iranian currency lost forty percent of its value against the us dollar causing twenty five percent inflation in october the highest in decades. behind this. suffering from rising prices and a lack of food and medicine in the west side as the measure is a range at making iran give up its nuclear program which may or may not be aiming to produce weapons there is and is the government that we have here they don't like
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the government they haven't liked the government for the last thirty some years and because of israeli pressures they do want to see the end of the government and having the sanctions to pressure the public opinion inside iran economy is about to be very good they are hoping people will go to the streets and protest and have a revolution but the fact seems to be the opposite i mean the cells in iran in carpets one of the country's proud sources of revenue once a critic of the iranian government has recently had a change of heart for me as for me then why for another people who vote for another god who is in business for being a father of five for an american is not going to be there for you know. on the raft of war they want to ask me something to do that nor we are free of your free people you know this is the best way which my government. you choose the very. volatile not only do they create anger among ordinary iranians
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and the iranians see their behavior towards a country as civilized but people in the region and beyond see what the united states and the europeans are trying to do so the image of the united states and europe is has been severely damaged but iran's image has also been damaged one recent poll shows iran talks the least as the country with the most negative image popular stereotypes include desert war and really just fanatics. in britain and many outlets in the united states want to create an image of a villain from not only the you don't them government but also the iranian people iran has been under sanctions for decades but it's only following the latest round the country's economy has been a visibly shaking and it would have some people here on the runway now think it's down to the authorities mismanagement the majority still hold the u.s.
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and western responsible this painting behind me have been here for years and as the supreme just quoted here suggests will look negotiate with america even for a moment but tension it represents will most likely remain here for some time to come rational shakti teheran iran. the political crisis in pakistan deepens with on growing street protests and confusion over a recent court order torres the country's prime minister on old corruption charges officials called a development assault coup with some accusing the judiciary and the military of a conspiracy to force civilian leadership the supreme court's decision gave a boost to the thousand strong protests in islamabad which has drawn into its third day and paralyze the capital demonstrators are led by pakistani canadian muslim cleric who promised of revolution of the whole government. does not step down the protest has already seen bloody clashes with police and move on and says fear as
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the chaos on the country intensifies and she's correspondents terry could more have been is an islamic force. we are standing here in a very crucial point actually it is called the famous disk where all the talk with the local language where dr qadri and his birth the stars are gathered and demanded the government to step down the and he has added to that the seven demands which briefly sees that the all the parliamentarian and legislative institution should be dissolved and the government has to resign immediately and he's also said in his speech that he will not remove from this place even if the last persons would leave but he is going to continue his demands and then you he's there for this year requested all the protests there who are very ill and a golden chance as he called it to make
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a change in pakistan which is needed since the british went of this country in one nine hundred forty seven. this is our c.n.n. still ahead for you this hour the father of the internet freedom fighter force accuses the god of killing his son as the late actress receives a tearful goodbye. try to see where dozens die in a double bombing in the center of a battleground between government forces and rebels. that's coming up later for you but now france says it's tripling the number of troops deployed to mali to two thousand five hundred as part of the preparation for a lander sold it was to dislodge islamist extremists occupying the largest source of the country so despite a six day campaign of french aerial bombardments mali rebels have extended their reach the u.s. is also assisting paris in its operation but many of those who are now fighting the mahdi government and the western forces were reportedly trained by american agents
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as part of a costly program to combat terrorism and africa expert lawrence freeman explained to us what's gone wrong as well as how have things the mali crisis resulted from western intervention in libya by leaving. you have several ways of this operation i mean first of all you have after the assassination murder of president darcy you had basically within hours to really. no merit in the other stream you caused the border with pickup trucks military hardware. but you've also had the failed attempt by the u.s. to so-called true partners in mali and other african countries. these new units military units just very very quickly and it was a complete failure and all these policy and when the french are pursuing the law going to fail because you can't we don't really solve a real crisis by military means or say there has to be complete cheek in the
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strategic simply forward thinking the united states in the west has. to focus on the underlying problems of economic. power to food sure it is xander that make these countries very weak and fragile and susceptible to these kind of the less that program shift occurred and we're just going to be doing more people. and will be doing nothing we. have been asking what she is saying the result of france's intervention in mali will be and let's not take a look at the options you can choose and we have the compay ning world bring quickly quick stability to the region also it will drag france into a protracted war that the operation will inside islam is to launch terror attacks in france and finally it was all in the recon eyes ation of mali and let's now take a look at how you've been voting so far so the majority of thing the intervention
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will see france bogged down in a long war slightly less than that fear a backlash will mean france has now made itself vulnerable to islamists hatred a slightly over a quarter feel the french action is all about a desire to see a return to the days of the empire while the smallest amount believe the intervention will solve the problems of the region and bring peace so do had to come to have your say if you still haven't found out about with more news for you after this short break. every. dollar. left nothing to live. so more. precious children. like. roger show. on our.
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goal. is. to. this is also the welcome bach chicago's been pacer for goodbyes to our shores as people that gathered to mourn the internet boy wanda took
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his life last week after a federal charges against him smoke bold threatening him with thirty five years behind bars and a million dollars worth of fines and justin morton and i see acts that he was well aware of his online activities things that potential punishment never fit it's the crimes committed. when everything was said and done nothing in the area doll odor was ever distributed they did not pursue any charges against him i think that should have told the prosecuting attorney something you're looking at a crime that essentially amounts to downloading p.d.'s to a hard drive. no person was harmed. there was no financial benefit murder received less punishment i mean i can't even imagine how scary and terrible that must be to have your government hell bent on putting you in a cage for thirty years for downloading some p.d.f.
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so if you're a depressed person that amounts to a death sentence and you can go to our website altie dot com to handle from those who knew schwartz past and i mean. the idea that he was facing decades in jail is it's just disgusting absolutely appalling. find out how the case against our shores we're just not your strings and share your opinion in the comments section. more than eighty people mostly students have been killed and dozens injured in two blocks at a university campus in the syrian city of aleppo berries also believed to have been housing refugees only to discover sponsored points here has the details. we know that there were two explosions at the university of illinois it happened on the first day of examinations the state television has banned of this a terrorist act saying that terrorists launched rockets at the campus of activists
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on the ground say that the explosions were caused by listeners that were fired by warplanes immediately following the explosions a number of cars went up in fire there were bodies strewn across the street and tearful survivors managed to find refuge in a nearby building now we know that the campus is home to university students but also an additional thirty thousand people who have found refuge there since fighting broke out in syria in july last year at the same time the university is in an area that is under the control of government forces and what we've witnessed in aleppo is the constant fighting between rebels and troops loyal to the syrian president bashar assad this has lifted the city divided and the fighting by and large has been in a stalemate position for quite some time in recent months we have witnessed both in the myth and also in the capital city of damascus a wave of suicide bombings
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a lot of that happening in terms of car bombings with dozens of people being killed the most of the bombings are targeting government buildings and more off of enough responsibility is being claimed by the rebel groups. and as to money and rights and believes tuesday's bombings in aleppo were meant to send a message of horror to president assad supporters. i spoke today you were a student performance you would go that way universe if you were told me that one day before yesterday they were also warning from the terrorist groups they were saying they should today boycott the university and they didn't do it so this was the punishment there subvert for what is taking place right now it's there were more. it is a bomb being towards the civilians it shall be creased the moral if you disagree in school a real sleaze still support the government and most stories the online including
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the wider her life called with told the story of a young cleaning lady who finds it a change of career as a train driver sorry didn't last long and neither did the house she crashed into after losing control of. the american t.v. host has decided to voice his discontent with washington's current internal policies by stablish in his own independence community within the last point out more about this and why. i. stick to austerity alludes a euro that's the message they german finance minister delivered to griese as he made approaches to the country's opposition its need to however remained resolute
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in the face of the pressure and as also his piece in all of the polls greece would be a much bigger headache for the e.u. us territory back is if the opposition comes to power in the next election. during his visit here to germany the leftist greek opposition leaders spoke of a humanitarian crisis in his country that had being caused by the austerity measures imposed upon it and backed by governments like that of angola merkel's he said that life itself had rejected the notion of a sturdy and said that it was the greek people that were suffering most at the hands of the measures imposed upon them in oil at the moment going to live with us they're going to come in you to understand what i mean when i see that are still really measures of fear or you have to do is look at our economy and it showed that our debt and our policies are unsustainable look at that we cannot proceed with policies that have generated recession more dad and a larger deficit which our society is destabilized and it is falling apart and
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that's a guy on the year during his time in berlin alexis tsipras met with the german finance minister wolfgang schauble now the two of them turned don't see eye to eye when it comes to the best way to get greece out of its current financial troubles alexis tsipras saying this in two austerity is what's really needed and well we're going shoulder firmly on board with anglo merkel's message that germany's message that it's only through austerity that greece can get its finances back into any semblance of order and get it debt under control well alexis tsipras wants to see elections in greece in he hopes to win those elections he would have to deal with germany but following this meeting it doesn't seem like they agree on much when it comes to the future of greece's finances. to some other international news stories in brief for you at least ten people have been killed in a suicide car bombing at
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a headquarters of the kurdish democratic party in the iraqi city of kirkuk official said ninety wrong or wounded but that number is likely to rise are ones that claimed responsibility for the blast at times by insurgents are so frequent in iraq where the country pressured by ethnic sectarian divides. new york has become the first state to change local gun laws after december's mass shooting at a connecticut school they expanded by on assault weapons as well as other tweaks to gun legislation strongly limits the accessibility of weapons in the state the new measures also aimed at restricting mentally unstable people from going guns so shooting last month's shooting at sandy hook elementary school left twenty six people dead mostly children and reaganite in the debate over gun control in the u.s. . japan's two major ally is all nippon airways and japan allies have grounded all of their boeing seven hundred seven train line is it
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follows an emergency landing or one of the just due to smoke in the cockpit the latest incident comes after a spate of high profile problems including oil leaks and a fire which has seen a safety review of the plane ordered in the us. israeli police have arrested several police sting and protesters when they're tempted to return to an album called can't win the west by last week dozens of demonstrators constructed a town camp or an area that israel has marked for new settlements which was then cleared by security forces protesters announce they want to create a village there israel's decision to go ahead with its plan to build new settler homes in the west bank has been widely condemned and is illegal under international law. and later in the day he talks to a former legal advisor to the palestinian negotiating team who says there are no chances for the middle east peace process under the current israeli leadership. terms of the palestinians there's a crisis of leadership but there's
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a bigger crisis of leadership in among the israelis we have an israeli prime minister who go to extreme lengths to continue to build and expand israeli settlements who doesn't want to confront the settler movement who simply wants to head israel down the path of war and is willing to go to extreme lengths to get himself reelected including attacking gaza and it's less than a week until we find out whether netanyahu is reelected as holds a snap elementary election tuesday with the situation the tabula is made least heavily dependent on the outcome the whole world will be watching vote closely so don't miss all the special coverage on the. how will change with to run develop we'll settle it expansion isolate can there be peace with gaza what's next in relations with america we'll let you know who survived his snuff election on january twenty second. israel decides. it's been four decades since the u.s. was drew from vietnam ending its involvement in
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a war that cost both sides dearly both financially and physically the price paid was too high for similar mistakes to be made again but some vietnam war veterans point to the fronts of history appears to be repeating itself with the u.s. strategy in afghanistan. well the similarities are that we're it's a war of imperialism and that the united states is involved in it for reasons other than the stated objectives. that being the furthering of the corporate economy and our our geopolitical stance in the mideast the people that we're writing aside from whatever their political aspirations are preventable people and where it's where foreigners and where in their provinces but just. foreign governments might have troops in say new york city new york city people were to stand together and defend their country and send off an occupation. that's a situation that some of that we had that same problem and not we were we were
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fighting the local people and with foreign idea that i don't think we pay enough attention to the human cost of war if we did we might be a little less interested in getting into another one now that we're talking about iran. turns coming out for again just a few minutes abby moss is breaking the set. wealthy british style something that's not on the tide list for. markets why not i'm going to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max conjure for
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a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kaiser report on r t. do we speak your language anything about the will or not advance. news programs and documentaries in spanish what matters to you breaking news a little tonnage of angola's kidneys stories. you hear. detroit altie spanish find out more visit i to al it all tito it's calm.
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deadly rivals for decades. if you had fifteen thousand people killing each other in any other country there would be diplomats there would be mediators. self-imposed out costs from society i will attack myself and michael attack my
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brother understand my contact imaging i'm in awe going to basically attack the cause of my anger and my frustration. that. well into the ten dollars. to the most violent gangs in the us history. is just all model killing joke with colors matching the national flag. but this country uses violence when it reaches and then it legitimizes the violence they are made in america on the oxy.
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you live on one hundred thirty three bucks a month for food i should try it because you know how fabulous i had lunch i got so many i mean i have managed to take down i believe that i'm still looking really messed up. in the old story so personally apologized and said the worst you were going through in the white house or for the. radio guy and politico minestrone click. i want you to watch what we're about to give you never seen anything like this until a. boardroom heard welcome to breaking the set i'm abby martin so here are some disturbing news that came out of the pentagon yesterday u.s. military suicides for the year twenty twelve had
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a dismal record of three hundred forty nine deaths and if you don't think that's a lot take this into account that suicide death toll exceeds the number of u.s. combat deaths in afghanistan over the same period so the military suicides clearly an epidemic and getting worse every year why isn't this issue more prevalent in the corporate press and even more importantly why are they supposed heroes of the wars getting proper treatment when they come home oh that's right just like my guest brandon neely former army guard at guantanamo bay said yesterday for the majority of people consuming the news once the story is read or watched it's over in their mind for those who lived through these wars they don't have that luxury they have to relive them every day for the rest of their lives so let's stop sending them off to war and the rowing them out of the bus when they get back. and look at a lot of the world to do their job or seem anything like i'm drunk. i've
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long considered myself a media activist and journalist by pursuing my passion through grassroots mediums for almost a decade it's given me the opportunity to cross paths with many who are involved in the renaissance of the media revolution and one of the many people standing out as a vanguard for truth in the information war is a man named james corbett is a one man band being the quebec report and he gives how do you know and critical analysis every day on the whole to toot of topics to talk about everything from the american education system to the middle east i'm joined now by james corbett editor webmaster writer producer and host of the report james thank you so much for coming on. so i wanted to start off by asking you about the trivium method which is i know which is something that i know that you practice can you talk about what the trivium is.


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